Laguna Iberá

 ¿Qué ver en Laguna iberá, Esteros del iberá?

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The Laguna Iberá is a natural reserve located in the Esteros del Iberá region of Argentina, South America. The reserve is open year-round, and visitors can explore the lagoon on boat tours with local guides. Prices for boat tours vary depending on the operator, but generally range from $30 to $50 USD per person.

The official website for the Laguna Iberá reserve is (in Spanish).

Nearby attractions include the Colonia Carlos Pellegrini, a small town on the edge of the lagoon that offers lodging and dining options. The town also has a small museum dedicated to the history and ecology of the region. Another popular attraction is the Iberá Wetlands Interpretive Center, located in the nearby city of Mercedes. This museum offers interactive exhibits about the flora and fauna of the wetlands, as well as guided tours of the surrounding area.

Visitors should note that the reserve is located in a remote area with limited infrastructure, and it is recommended to book accommodations and tours in advance.

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Laguna iberá)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Laguna iberá)